Cranberry scrub: 2 ways

With the winter finally gone and the spring showing its face we all want to have a good scrub to shake the winter out of our skin and get ready for outdoor activities and sun (don't forget your suncare though).

In this post we have two easy (almost) waterless scrubs for you. One is the scrub bar that we prefer to make in small sizes so that they are single used. The other is the scrub balm.

Both of these formulations use surfactants for a nice, thick foam and a nice after feel. The procedure is rather straightforward but you need to work fast.

The first couple of times you make this formulation try to make them in very small quantities and ask your buddy to be with you. An extra pair of hands will help a lot.


1- Heat phase A between 80-85 C

2- Melt phase B between 40-50 C#3- Blend phase C in another beaker at RT

3- When phase A and B are melted blend them and stop heating. Add phase C and stir

4- Add the Panthenol at a temperature <50 C

5- Add phase E and continue stirring and cooling to a trace. Take a 10% dilution and measure the pH. In our case it was 5,1. You can adjust the pH in the desired range by adding more or less lactic acid the next time you make this formulation

6- Fill in the jars


1- Heat phase A between 85-90 C

2- Heat phase B in another beaker at the same temperature

3- Blend phase C in another beaker and have it at hand

4- When phase A and B are melted blend them and stop heating. Add phase C and stir

5- Add phase D and E. Take a sample for pH measurement and pour the batter in the mold cavities

6- Bring the molds to the fridge.

7- Prepare a 10% dilution of the sample you took for pH measurement and adjust the pH. In our case it was 5,1.