Acai luxurious moisturizer

Acai oil is one of the most wonderful gifts of nature. It has a low iodine value and has a high content of phytosterols and phenolics and that makes it an amazing anti-aging oil that you can use even in hot process.
In this formulation we blended acai and marula oil and just jazzed the formulation up with some pro vit D, hyaluron, gota kola and algae extract. The skin feel is just amazing and the inherent scent of acai oil blends well with the patchouli and wintergreen.

To improve the texture and the skin feel we are using 5% of the modified rice starch here.

You can read about the properties of the rice starch in the emulsion and how to add it in this blog post

The rest is quite straightforward

This formulation is buffered. GSC needs a buffering system to avoid pH drift over time which will rapidly happen if you do not buffer the formulation. If you still are confused about the buffers and which formulations need a buffer system and how you can buffer a formulation we have a digital file for you which answers all your questions. This has been a module in our flagship course: measure and adjust the pH like a cosmetic chemist that we are now selling as a standalone file