When it comes to hair care perhaps the first oil that you think about is the highly praised argan oil and it might indeed be correct when it comes to virgin and undamaged hair but who on earth except a few sane teenagers (because of their sane mothers) and a tiny group of adults has undamaged hair these days?
Even if you don't bleach and dye the hair regularly, natural aging, exposure to UV light and cleansing and grooming products leave their footprints on our hair.
I recently stumbled upon a scientific article and I was so fascinated by the study that I shared it all around the social media and on all possible channels but since some of you have missed those posts and have asked me to share the article with you here I am sharing it once more in a more permanent way than the short lived social media posts

In short terms it explains that although argan oil works magics on virgin and undamaged hair, when it comes to damaged (bleached, UV radiation) hair, the coconut and avocado oil show better results because of the fatty acid profile and oil polarity.
If you are still struggling with the oil polarity concept we have a replay of our masterclass which is available here