This is the post you have been waiting for patiently during the last couple of months. We have started testing this green conditioner a long time ago and we were really happy with its performance and the stability of the products we made but it took an eternity for the product to arrive after we ordered it.

Here we are after a loooong waiting time with a simple formulation that will blow your mind. This is a simple conditioning shampoo (as simple as anything could be in our lab!) but we jazzed it up with a few extracts to pamper the scalp and help hair growth.

The procedure is really straightforward, a kind of dump and stir:
1-Blend phase A and C in different vessels
2- Disperse the gum in phase A
3- When the gum is completely disperses slowly and gradually add phase C to A+B
4- Prepare a 10% dilution and measure the pH. In our case it was 5,43 and suitable for adding this preservative blend.
5- Add the preservative and remeasure the pH. Since we know that this blend will increase the pH we added some lactic acid just after adding the preservatives.
6- Adjust the pH between 5,2-5,5 (if you are using this preservative blend)
7- Take your stability and micro samples and fill the rest in suitable containers