During all the years of my formulating, consulting and recently teaching specifically about pH measurement and adjustment I have observed two common mistakes:
1- Students and DIYers as well as novice entrepreneurs wait till they can afford a high-end pH meter before they start systematically measure,adjust, record and implement the pH measurement in their stability testing
2- Those who can afford purchase a high-end instrument that is too huge, too intimidating and too complicated for their requirements and at the end go back to using pH paper stripes or a portable instrument

You really do not need a high-end and complicated instrument. Even if you can afford it, we don't need all those fanciful features that most modern instruments have. The simpler the instrument, the easier to work with and the easier to maintain and (heaven-forbid) to repair if it is needed. Purchase something that you can afford and that is easy to work with.
If you are still struggling with pH measurement and adjustment sign-up in the list below to receive our free 3-parts mini-series in pH measurement and adjustment
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