When you start from a DIY background like most artisanal formulators you are usually accustomed to formulations (which the DIYers call recipe) in grams and even spoons and mls. I have even seen some very prominent and hugely followed DIYers or even some formulation scholls writing their formulations in grams and spoons. Very often novice formulators or DIYers who watch our videos and read our blog posts come back to us with the question:
"How can I convert the percentage to grams and cups?"
and we always answer: no please do not do that.
In this short video I have explained why you should train yourself to think and work in percentage is you want to become a professional formulator or even if you want to become an exact and above-the-average DIYer.
Let me know what you think and if you need any further helps switching your formulation style from grams to percentage.